The picture is one of the four better boy plants bought from green house at West Union.
It is Monday and not been out yet but suppose to be a nice day.
I made a contact to Mexico on 40 meter last night he was 5-9 and he said I was to.
Well made it outside the weather is great for being out enjoying it a lot. Me and my brother planted more onions and hope to keep a steady until the weather warms and we switch the bed to beans till.fall and then go back to lettuce and onions.
Made my first trip to the wood shop hope to get to work on my projects before long. The ramps are good that Jr. Dug and brought me eating them in my salad.
Now I Sam so sick and tired of the royal wedding what is the big deal a spoiled. Rich brat is getting married while millions are out of work suffering and hungry the. News people act like this is the greatest thing that ever happen.
Well all for today it is warm and GOD bless all.
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