Sunday, July 31, 2005

As I was going down the rail trail in my chair today I came up on a wild hen turkey and her brood of eight crossing the trail this was a great sight twenty years ago the wild turkey was totally gone from our area of West Virginia. With help of hunters, the DNR and local farmers the wild turkey have made a huge come back. This what makes it so special to have a chair like my Jazzy 1420 to have capability to get out a long the trail to see these sights. I am returning to this section of trail tomorrow with my camera to get pictures of them.

Friday, July 29, 2005

This was a great day I got to do something I never ever thought I would do I got to go to Long Johns that was a a treat I never thought I could go there It has been eleven or more years since I have got to gp there the fish was hot and fresh I had chicken Planks and if it was not for my best friend taking to me and showing me I can get out and enjoy I know that don't sound like much but that was areal treat.
It was sunny today the morning was foggy the hottest today was 90 with low of 66 currently 81 and sunny.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Yesterday was the hottest day I have had for a long time there was a lightning strike that hit the power sub station tat resulted in a 23 hour blackout with temperatures near a hundred the heat became unbearable many of my friends who where on oxygen had trouble breathing as they almost ran out of oxygen their oxygen machines were not working. I guess you never miss electric till it is gone

Monday, July 25, 2005

Sure is hot today I stayed inside by the air conditioner and trying to keep cool.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Here it is the last week in July and it is hot tomorrow is hotter yet going to stay in and stay cool. On the turd head keeping the house clean and area around the house if he leaves his clothes out I throw in his stink hole he calls a room when he leaves I will need an industrial strength deodorizer or a toxic waste clean up team...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Well the 440 machine and northern 911 tower took a lightning strike yesterday. Only damage was to the surge protectors and the pre-amp on WB8NSL 442.850 machine.
Well each day we get closer to fall now summer is have over.

Monday, July 18, 2005

I never updated yesterday felt like crap had bad sinus infection but feel; better today you see the pile of trash I got out of garage. Nothing else to tell.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

It is storming around the area today very hot humid outside today. I went out side today I was able to go from my room to the BACKDOOR WITH OUT RUNNING OVER A PAIR OF SHOES OR A PAIR OF SOCKS THAT SMELLED LIKE DEAD SNUNK WHO HAD JUST ATE A PILE OF COW S///. I am getting my house in shape with the help of my bestest friend and my other friends.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Well Derek and Amber and Aaron and Sherri got the mess cleaned up that Curtis made he is the messiest one person. The bills he gets he never opens them and I try to pay mine and he don't pay but he will have if it hold up till he gets out the greatest thing that can happen is him get out where I can live in peace where I can have dishes and silverware go throughout he house with out smelling his s---.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Got the garage done today the paint is looking great.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Went to the store today not much else going on went downtown also was talking to a lot people I enjoy that.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

It rained here today not much else had some great summer squash for supper I like it baked. After that I have some cabbage to cook haven't had that for years.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Boy it was hot today Aaron started to paint the garage it sure dose look nice. The weather is going to turn wet I heard them say there was a red sky this morning That means falling weather or bad weather.
Just thought no where to this weekend have to run up and down the trail I Guess.
164 days till Christmas

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Well this week brings the middle of July as the summer is passing by fast as the start of hurricane season starts bringing us heavy rains.
165 days left till Christmas...

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Out and about the glass festival parade and just sitting and talking to friend and enjoying getting out all except one person Bill Wilson came up and ruined my day he told me I needed to stay in and loose more weight. I try to treat everyone the way the lord wants me to but Bill sure makes it hard.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Had a good time talked to a lot of people at the glass festival I have just one person to thank she has showed me I can get out and go that person is my very best friend Sherri.
Nothing new to tell waiting to see which path Hurricane Dennis takes to see if we get any storm from it with rain. It is now a category 4 storm.
168 days till Christmas.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

well went to Doddridge County Park had a good time talked to alot of different people at the cookout / baptism there was two people baptized everyone had a good time.
WEll it is July the 6th as we are now well into dog days as we get into the last two full months of summer. going to covered dish supper tonight. 171 days till Christmas.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Well not much to report on today there is alot activity on the pride chair sight on the white tail deer and ham radio postings.
Was raining this morning so not getting out very much it very humid to.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Well i got home it was quite rain we had while we set by the fire till it hit then under the tent just talking that is the fun part telling them old stories of hunting, fishing .
I am ready to go again going back down to Jr. Davis' tonight after john and Dixie get home from church. All for now.
PS To my bestest friend I love you to Thanks to you I am able to get out and enjoy Myself......

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Well been on the go all day out running around to The thing at depot then down to a cook out at Jr Davis's place on Horner Run, Had a good time there was good music at the Depot today. Had good food at the cook out. The wether is cool tonight,

Friday, July 01, 2005

Well I was out and about today there was alot of storm damage around as we got a lot of wind and heavy rain with 3 inches of rain in about and area caused flash flooding as the lower part of my driveway washed some but it is still passable. There is nothing else to report.

This Me along the trail

Tree down at 39 mile marker on the North Bend Rail Trail