Saturday, April 30, 2011

April 30, 2011

bible verse
Bible Verse
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cold Friday

Cold Friday is right had to cover plants today today a not so easy job if the wind is blowing not much more to report shoulder hurts like all the time with the cold.
Got paid so millstone for another month .
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Friday, April 29, 2011

cold Friday

Cold Friday is right had to cover plants today today a not so easy job if the wind is blowing not much more to report shoulder hurts like all the time with the cold.
Got paid so millstone for another month .
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Thursday, April 28, 2011



Bible Verse
We are so lucky that GOD gave us his son so we will not parrish in sin all we need to do is ask for the forgiveness of our sins and to follow GOD'S law he dose not force us to believe we must come to him.
We planted some red onions today and kale today as we need to grow salad and live off what I can grow.
Well they have passed the dumbest of all city ordnance on the new pet laws 2 dogs 2 cats, 6 chickens.
Eel cold today and we had about quarter inch of rain.
Still under wanning present moon radio waves were good from the south such pile up never tried to make contact.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Bible Verses
There are greedy people who have money always wants more and do evil to get it.
Rained today garden looking good no contacts today.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday April 26, 2011

Some sun today and some rain right now at 1:35pm some storms maybe heavy at times. Sunrise at 6:30am and sets at 8:12pm.

Bible Vuerse
It seems more and more every day as GOD loving people we are forced to respect the rights of others and we offend other people yet if we speak out against gays, abortions and the constant threat of terrorism from the crazy parts of the Moslems that the good Moslems do not want to denounce as being evils.
John just called and said he got two more tomato plants and red onion white onion sets.
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The picture is one of the four better boy plants bought from green house at West Union.
It is Monday and not been out yet but suppose to be a nice day.
I made a contact to Mexico on 40 meter last night he was 5-9 and he said I was to.
Well made it outside the weather is great for being out enjoying it a lot. Me and my brother planted more onions and hope to keep a steady until the weather warms and we switch the bed to beans till.fall and then go back to lettuce and onions.
Made my first trip to the wood shop hope to get to work on my projects before long. The ramps are good that Jr. Dug and brought me eating them in my salad.
Now I Sam so sick and tired of the royal wedding what is the big deal a spoiled. Rich brat is getting married while millions are out of work suffering and hungry the. News people act like this is the greatest thing that ever happen.
Well all for today it is warm and GOD bless all.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011


My lettuce is doing well.
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Happy Easter

Well here it is the day the Lord arose from the tomb as he paid the debt that we who choose to believe will not parish it is written for GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotten SON to die for our sins.
Today it is raining so we will see if the old saying is true that it will rain seven Sundays in arow.
The garden look nice out in the backyard as I sit here praying and reading.
Hope to get in garage next week to get wood working underway watching woodwork video to learn more. Will be posting on that subject more with maybe videos of my own.
Well on amateur radio I made a contact to South Dakota last night on 20 meters you can see my log by going to .
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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Planted today

Planted four tomatoes two early golath and super bush tomatoes in my containers add some miracle grow soil to each one. These plants came from IGA.
There were eight plants bought at the green house west union we will plant them next week the onions and lettuce are doing good the LORD is great how he makes thing grow. So we need to praise him every day it is through his grace and his creation we are here and living able to grow food and work in wood.
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Thursday, April 07, 2011

spring is here

These are pictures of the first time been out to enjoy the time on my back porch. It is a great sunny day with warmer weather on the way. This weather should be the normal here on out . Still having to boil water makes it hard to keep up.
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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

another day

Well it another day in Pennsboro WV where you pay big money for pure drinking water and then pay the gas company to boil because today the water is not pure
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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Complaining again

Well I sit here and wonder how things come to the point that they are.
Our representatives and Senators set in our nations capital there are many ways to cut the spending they always want to cut programs for the poor and disabled heaven forbid we cut some worthless programs in thier districts or states .
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