Friday, July 03, 2009

A trip to mailbox
By the temperature you would not have known it was the 3rd day of July and the first day of the Dog days of summer. Had several visitors to day and they all said the Garden was really growing as you can see by the video that I got my flowers pots put by the mailbox as i continue to try to make my pace look better as good as it did when i moved here but it is hard with me limited to working from chair but i believe it will take shape. I seen on fox news where we had no World War 1 monuments and was was unusual was the only living Veteran of WW1 was a resident of Charles Town West Virginia Frank Buckles is his name he is 108 years old imagine the history he has seen from mans first flight to man walking on moon and all the wars he has seen since he fought the war to end all wars.
I enjoyed my bible study today it was on healing and how Jesus is the same then and today

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