Well another beautful day along the North Bend Rail Trail Made a little further today as the gate at the driveway was open talked to one of the park employees about leveling up so I can range farther down the trail. the above picture is a shot west from my furthest point.
I have picture that got posted on the Weatherbug site and Today I sumitted three of my Photos to the Today show for their America the Beautful contest they will notify me by email if any of mine get picked.
I finshed another section on FEMA site a lot of good topic on how to handle problems as they arise.
Proverbs 20:27
The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man;it searches out his inmost being.
The lamp of the LORD searches the spirit of a man;it searches out his inmost being.
The Light of the lord will light your way it will show all your sin so we need to be washed in the blood of Christ so when The LIGHT OF THE LORD shines us we will be as white as snow.
There is a little voice that tells you what is wrong or right if you feel it is wrong it is.
The term does not appear in the Old Testament but the concept does. David, for example, was smitten in his heart because of his lack of trust in the power of God (2 Sam. 24:10). But his guilt turned to joy when he sought the Lord's forgiveness (Psalm 32).In the New Testament the term "conscience" is found most frequently in the writings of the apostle Paul. Some people argue erroneously that conscience takes the place of the external law in the Old Testament. However, the conscience is not the ultimate standard of moral goodness (1 Cor. 4:4). Under both the old covenant and the new covenant the conscience must be formed by the will of God. The law given to Israel was inscribed on the hearts of believers (Heb. 8:10; 10:16); so the sensitized conscience is able to discern God's judgment against sin (Rom. 2:14-15).The conscience of the believer has been cleansed by the work of Jesus Christ; it no longer accuses and condemns (Heb. 9:14; 10:22). Believers are to work to maintain pure consciences. They also must be careful not to encourage others to act against their consciences. To act contrary to the urging of one's conscience is wrong, for actions that go against the conscience cannot arise out of faith (1 Cor. 8:7-13; 10:23-30).
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