These are some veiws of Pennboro WV
Well had a real good day today. I rode down the trail caught out the corner of my eye a bob cat down where I seen the turkeys he was probally after the young ones. Took a few Pictures today. finished Unit 3 on E.M. E. S. Also finished the unit 2 of online bible school and sent in my tests.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Daily Bible Verse - 7/17/2007 - Isaiah 45:6
so that from the rising of the sunto the place of its settingmen may know there is none besides me.I am the LORD, and there is no other. (NIV)That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else. (KJV)
That men may know from the rising to the setting of the sunThat there is no one besides Me.I am the LORD, and there is no other, (NASB)
Isaiah 45:6Commentary45:1-6The Lord calls Cyrus (see verses 1-6) His "anointed" (the same word as "messiah" in Hebrew) because the Persian monarch was a prototype of the Messiah who would give final deliverance to His people. Jehovah promises to give him victory over nations, principally Babylon, to remove all hindrances to his conquests, and to hand over to him tremendous amounts of hidden riches in secret places. Still addressing Cyrus, the Lord speaks of Himself as the only true God, who calls Cyrus by name, who surnames him as anointed and shepherd (44:28), and who equips him for his mission. God does all this for the sake of His people, and so that the whole world may know that He alone is the Lord.
MacDonald, W., & Farstad, A. (1997, c1995). Believer's Bible Commentary : Old and New Testaments (Is 45:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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Well written article.
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