Saturday, August 04, 2007

As I set here listening to Fox News I Get upset to see the that many of the Radical Muslims are rejoicing in the bridge collapse.We would never rejoice in their people being killed. And to say that their God had done it is another way to spread their violent way.
The Daily Bible Verse
Psalm 37:4
Delight thyself also in the LORD: and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
Commentary Find all your joy and pleasure in His will. Make Him your delight, and your desires will be in His will. Living to please the Lord sets you free from fretting about what men are doing.Wiersbe, W. W. (1997, c1991). With the word Bible commentary (Ps 37:1). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.Did you know? Psalm 37 is one of several alphabetical psalms (Ps. 9 and 10 together; 25; 34; 37; 111; 112; 119; 145). In Hebrew each succeeding verse begins with the next letter of the alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, so these psalms should have 22 verses. In Psalm 37 every other He brew line begins alphabetically, but there aren't 44 verses because some of the English verses are so long they break the pattern.

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