Monday, August 06, 2007

As I was shaving today i got a thought a mirror shows what your out sides look like but what is in your heart and mind shows how you are on the inside often someone can be very beautful on the outside and have a very poor personality.assomeone can not be pretty and have a good personalty that makes up for their looks and is a lot more beautiful that the prettiest person in the world.
Todays Bible Verse: Proverbs 27:19
As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man
Thoughts reflect a person's true character
Word Study:
HeartHEART - the inner self that thinks, feels, and decides. In the Bible the word "heart" has a much broader meaning than it does to the modern mind. The heart is that which is central to a person. Nearly all the references to the heart in the Bible refer to some aspect of human personality.In the Bible all emotions are experienced by the heart: love and hate (Ps. 105:25; 1 Pet. 1:22); joy and sorrow (Eccl. 2:10; John 16:6); peace and bitterness (Ezek. 27:31; Col. 3:15); courage and fear (Gen. 42:28; Amos 2:16).The thinking processes are said to be carried out by the heart. This intellectual activity corresponds to what would be called "mind" in English. Thus, the heart may think (Esth. 6:6), understand (Job 38:36), imagine (Jer. 9:14), remember (Deut. 4:9), be wise (Prov. 2:10), and speak to itself (Deut. 7:17). Decision-making is also carried out by the heart. Purpose (Acts 11:23), intention (Heb. 4:12), and will (Eph. 6:6) are all activities of the heart.Finally, heart often means someone's true character or personality. Purity or evil (Jer. 3:17; Matt. 5:8); sincerity or hardness (Ex. 4:21; Col. 3:22); and maturity or rebelliousness (Ps. 101:2; Jer. 5:23)-all these describe the heart or true character of individuals. God knows the heart of each person (1 Sam. 16:7). Since people speak and act from their hearts, they are to guard them well (Prov. 4:23; Matt. 15:18-19). The most important duty of anyone is to love God with the whole heart (Matt. 22:37). With the heart a person believes in Christ and so experiences both love from God and the presence of Christ in the heart (Rom. 5:5; 10:9-10; Eph. 3:17).

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