Sunday, August 05, 2007

Well Sunday it rained must of the day had good Sunday school discussion on what was goliaths actual heit many of the bibles didn't agree on what a cubit equaled in inches it can vary depending on the length of the finger tip and the elbow this would vary from person to the person at 6 cubits on span he was huge at over 10 ft. He was beat by davbid with brains of power but the faith David had in God. Through God all things are possible if we have faith...
Today Bible Passage
Exodus 15:11
Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?
"Who is like You" - Many times, the Bible uses this language of incomparability to describe the true God. In a world in which there were many supposed gods, the Lord was unique. He alone is God. He is not just better than other gods; there are no other gods. No person, god, or thing can be compared to the one true God (Ps. 96:4, 5; Is. 40:25, 26; Mic. 7:18). Fearful means that God inspired wonder, worship, and obedience from the Israelites.

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